WWW Wednesday | June 23rd

Hello and welcome to another WWW post.

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words and asks three simple questions each week:

What are you currently reading? What did you recently finishing reading? What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading:


I have a few books I’m leafing through and not really in the mood to read. I read the first few pages of Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi, a literary fiction about a woman whose mother has dementia. I’ve also read the first chapter of If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio which is about a troupe of actors and a murder. I want to break up my reading and add some non-fantasy into my rotation but it hasn’t worked yet. I’m enjoying these books while I have them in my hands but the second I put them down I don’t touch them again for weeks. 

Recent Reads:

I don’t mean to sound like a broken record but I’ve just finished reading the fifth book in the Mercy Thompson series, Silver Borne. It went deeper into Samuel’s character which is really nice and it showed how Adam and Mercy handle stress/outside influence on their relationship. One thing I really like about how Briggs portrays werewolves is how emotional they are. Depression is a reality for them because their lifestyle is dangerous and full of violence. This book deals with the aftermath of Samuel’s suicide attempt and explores one of the negative sides of being a werewolf. 

I also finished the third book in the October Daye series and my first 5 star read of the series: An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire. This series is stretching what I thought I liked in books. They’re more plot focused than I tend to enjoy and the character growth is being spread across the books. Toby is all action and doesn’t give herself time to think about or feel what she’s experiencing. And she loses often. Toby faces these larger than life villains and life or death circumstances and suffers greatly for it. The overall tone is pretty dark, something I read more in high fantasy or military fantasy. 

The Mercyverse handles similar themes but has a lighter tone due to the characters’ humor and success at the end of these stories. October is left bleeding and broken at the end of her books and only in the third was she really accepting that she even had a support system to comfort her. I don’t mean to give off the impression the books are getting me down, it’s just not the tone I usually pick up and read. 

Up Next:

I am waiting to get Elemental: Shadows of Otherside from the library and add another urban fantasy series to my rotation. I’m also planning to marathon the Graceling realm so I can read Winterkeep. I don’t remember enough details from all those years ago and it would be fun to revisit one of my favorite fantasy series anyway. 

Is it summer where you live? It’s hot over here but we’ve had some storms cool us down.